ica maldita

story of my life;)

Monday, September 06, 2010


Yes, unfortunately summer 2010 is almost over. It's September the 6th right now, a holiday and that's is why we are at London. London, Ontario! haha I got you! Ok so, yes school is almost here. I am actually not sure how I feel about school. I don't know if I'm excited. I think I am excited since I have Krisselle in four of my classes. So it's only one Zoology class that we're not together since she has to take chemsitry. BOOHOO! So yeah, I guess I can say that I am excited for school to see one, or if anything my only friend. haha

So right now,its 2:27 AM. Yes I am still wide awake because IT IS the summer and 2, i took a nap earlier. haha I am the only one still up in the hotel room. Even Snoopy is already asleep. It is my parents' anniversary that is why we're having this little vacation in London. I am actually really happy that we got to bring Snoopy with us, FINALLY! PETS ALLOWED!

Im posting on my blog again cause I wana get my life back in track! haha that is way dramatic. But I just wana post something up here so I could read something later in life. I just spent a night ago reading posts from mine and mim's blog. and I am telling you it was FUN! So, Im gonna try to blog everyday or every other day again.

I also started a new youtube channel. No videos yet, im still working on it. although its gonna be hard now since school starts next week. ugh! and i still work part time. Here's my new youtube incase someone reads this and wants to check it out: http://youtube.com/user/peachmangopie03 YES, i got it from jollibee. Ive been using this name since i believe 2nd year high school in the Philippines. It's been my code name or aka? haha

Anyways, today was fun! we had breakfast at like 9 ish and went to church at 10.30. The Basilica was beautiful! yes, we took pictures. Then we went to this place called East Park which is like a water park, golfcourse, go kart attraction all in one! haha. so we decided to do the 'pick-3-events' special in which case we chose wall climbing, go kart and mini golf. One climb for wall climbing was way fun and easy. i chose like the hardest of the beginners level. haha it was pretty easy. After that we did Go karting (3laps) it was fun alright.

WE then went to Mcdonalds for lunch cause I was starving haha. Then went back again to East Park for the Mini Golf, too bad it was full so Jein and I decided to do wall climbing again for an hour. and OMGOSH! it was intense. it was really hard and tiring. we tried the other walls (different difficulties) I JUST DIED. i fell like 4 times on the hard one and said my arms are so tired and i just dont have the strength anymore! so i went back to the easier one, which really arent easy enough.

Well, Bottomline, it was a fun day today. cept snoopy peed and pooped on the bed. TSK! bad dog! ahaha.

Ill talk to you guys later. im gonna try and edit a video i was working on. or work on my website! :)

Snoopy and I :)

CLick the picture!

Yes, we all enjoyed it!

The Basilica!


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